قرص ضدعفونی هیپوپاک

Household Disinfection Products

Proper disinfection of homes and workplaces is of utmost importance, and people are always looking for quick and reliable solutions to eliminate germs, viruses, and disinfect their surroundings. The best way to prevent the transmission of diseases is regular disinfection of homes and workplaces using disinfectant products.

The Hippo Pack brand is active in the field of hygiene, health, and disinfection products. Some of these products are summarized below:

  • Effervescent Disinfectant and Sterilizer Tablets for Fruits and Vegetables
  • Effervescent Surface and Floor Disinfectant Tablets
  • Effervescent Disinfectant Tablets for Towels, Bed Linens, and Clothes
  • Effervescent Bleaching Tablets

Effervescent Disinfectant and Sterilizer Tablets for Fruits and Vegetables: This product eliminates toxins, fungicides, germs, bacteria, and viruses. It is easy to use, does not alter the color, taste, or flavor of the fruits and vegetables, and extends their shelf life. Additionally, it remains effective for up to 3 years after production.

Effervescent Surface and Floor Disinfectant Tablets: Floors and surfaces are exposed to various microorganisms. Studies have shown that cleaning floors with water and soap reduces 80% of bacteria, but this product reduces microorganisms on floors and surfaces by up to 99.9%.

Effervescent Disinfectant Tablets for Towels, Bed Linens, and Clothes: These tablets disinfect effectively without damaging fabric. They can be used for both hand washing and machine washing. In addition to disinfecting, they also enhance the effectiveness of laundry detergents.

Effervescent Bleaching Tablets: With this product, you no longer need any other bleach for whitening. These tablets can be used for whitening clothes, dishes, and bathroom surfaces. They dissolve in both cold and warm water.

Hippo Pack’s household disinfection products are produced according to the Iranian national standards 2842 and 6986. These products are suitable for disinfecting fruits and vegetables, clothing, surfaces, and for whitening purposes. Hippo Pack effervescent disinfectant tablets kill up to 99.9% of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms.

Given the importance of disinfection and its benefits, Hippo Pack’s household disinfection products are essential for every household. We recommend always having these products on hand at home.

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Head Office: East Daneshvar St, North Shiraz St, Mollasadra St, Vanak Square, TEHRAN, IRAN

Research and Development: Tarbiat Modares University Science and Technology Park, TEHRAN, IRAN

Phone number

02188624487 / 02188623884
02188617766 / 02188617785