Hospital Disinfection Products
Hippo Pack Effervescent Disinfectant Tablets for Hospitals, Clinics, and Medical Centers
Hospital environments, medical centers, and clinics, which are places for treating patients, must be free from any infections. Microbial contamination with both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, as well as fungal agents, is commonly found on both medical and non-medical equipment in healthcare centers. These contaminants enter the environment in various ways, including from infected patients, healthcare staff, visitors, and contaminated air. Unfortunately, a lack of hygiene practices raises concerns among the medical community and the general public.
Infections and related issues can cause serious problems. Patient infections can pose significant health risks, extend hospital stays, and increase costs for both the patient and the hospital.
Therefore, controlling and preventing the entry and spread of infections and microbes in these centers is a primary and critical challenge for the Ministry of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education.
Kandoo Zarfam Technology Development Company, under the Hippo Pack brand, produces Hippo Pack Effervescent Disinfectant Tablets for use in hospitals, clinics, and medical centers.
The formulation of the Hippo Pack hospital disinfectant tablet is in line with current protocols and international standards. It is used for sterilizing and disinfecting equipment and combating various pathogens. This tablet effectively eliminates major microorganisms, parasites, bacteria, viruses, fungi, and yeasts commonly found in hospital infections, including Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus hirae, Escherichia coli, Candida albicans, and Aspergillus niger.
The active ingredient in this tablet is approved by global health organizations, such as the FDA, WHO, and NSF/ANSI Standard 60, as well as the Iranian Ministry of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education (Food and Drug Organization of Iran). Additionally, organizations like the Red Crescent and Red Cross recommend the Hippo Pack hospital disinfectant tablets.
This product is used for disinfecting the following:
Operating room equipment and medical instruments: Various types of forceps (e.g., Allis, serrated, Kocher), surgical knives, suturing tools, suction devices, trolleys, stretchers, anesthesia machines, endoscopes, MRI machines, autoclave bodies, etc.
Dental equipment: Molding tools, dental drills, anesthesia equipment, handpieces, units, etc.
Clothing, gowns, towels, bed linens, pillows, and staff uniforms contaminated with blood, sputum, etc.
Laboratory equipment: Sampling containers, Erlenmeyer flasks, beakers, etc., and patient belongings.
Surfaces contaminated with bodily fluids: Such as pus, blood, sputum, urine in toilets, bedpans, and patient beds.
Contact us
Head Office: Tehran, Vanak Square, Mollasadra Street, North Shiraz Street, Daneshvar Sharghi Street
Research and Development:
Tehran, Research Boulevard, Science and Technology Park, Tarbiat Modares University
Phone number
02188624487 / 02188623884
02188617766 / 02188617785