Hippo Pack Pool Water Purification and Disinfection Pack

Maintaining the quality of water in private and public pools is crucial for human health. The use of certain chemicals, such as alum or copper sulfate, can lead to respiratory, skin, and eye issues, as well as hair loss.
Proper pool maintenance, including the use of appropriate disinfectants, controlling chlorine and pH levels, regular testing, and proper care, ensures water quality. This not only enhances user safety and health but also extends the lifespan of pool equipment.
Given the water scarcity in the country and the need to maintain the quality and safety of pool water, Kandoo Zarfam Technology Development Company has developed the Hippo pack Pool Water Purification and Disinfection Pack. This product not only keeps pool water clean but also extends the pool’s service life.
The Hippo Pack Pool Maintenance and Disinfection Products are manufactured according to the latest global standards, including National Standards 9412ISIRI for pool water microbiological properties and Iranian Standards 1011 and 1053. These products are designed for use in both private and public pools, ensuring clean, balanced, and clear water. They are also economical and easily accessible.
Reference Standards
National Standards: 7098 and 9412
International Standards: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018
Preventing contamination in newly filled pools.
Restoring and treating contaminated pool water.
Usage Instructions for Hippo Pack Pool Pack
- Chlorine and pH Testing Kit
Measuring Chlorine Levels
Fill the kit to the marked line with pool water.
Add 5 drops of yellow solution, close the kit, and shake it.
Compare the resulting yellow color with the chlorine reference scale.
The ideal chlorine level should be 1–3 ppm.
- Chlorine Tablets
If chlorine levels are below the desired range, use Hippo Pack chlorine tablets or chlorine shock powder to adjust the chlorine to the recommended level.
- Hippo Pack Algaecide Solution
For Newly Filled Pools (Prevention):
Add 0.5 liters of algaecide per 20,000 liters of pool water every two weeks.
Do not enter the pool for 5 hours after adding the solution.
For Contaminated Pools (Treatment):
Add 1 liter of algaecide per 20,000 liters of pool water every two weeks.
Run the filtration pump in circulation mode for 1–2 hours.
Do not enter the pool for 5 hours after adding the solution.
For severe contamination, increase the amount of algaecide as needed.
Note: In cases of severe contamination and incomplete removal of algae, the dosage of the solution can be increased as needed.
- Chlorine and pH Testing Kit
Measuring pH Levels
Fill the kit to the marked line with pool water.
Add 5 drops of red solution and shake it.
Compare the resulting color with the pH reference scale.
The ideal pH range is 7.2–7.6.
- Hippo Pack pH Adjuster Solution
After measuring the pH, if it is outside the 7.2–7.6 range, add the required amount of Hippo pack pH Adjuster Solution as per the provided table.
Run the pool pump in circulation mode for 30 minutes.
Recheck the pH level to ensure it is within the optimal range.
Monitor and adjust the pH weekly to maintain the ideal range.
- Hippo Pack Water Clarifier Solution
For Newly Filled Pools (Prevention):
Add 0.5 liters of water clarifier per 20,000 liters of pool water every two weeks.
For Contaminated Pools (Treatment):
Add 1 liter of water clarifier per 20,000 liters of pool water.
Run the filtration pump in circulation mode for 30 minutes to distribute the solution evenly.
Allow the pool to rest for 24 hours so suspended particles settle at the bottom.
Use a pool vacuum to gently remove the settled particles.
:Contact us
Head Office: East Daneshvar St, North Shiraz St, Mollasadra St, Vanak Square, TEHRAN, IRAN
Research and Development: Tarbiat Modares University Science and Technology Park, TEHRAN, IRAN
Phone number
02188624487 / 02188623884
02188617766 / 02188617785