Hippo Pack Effervescent Disinfectant Tablet for Drinking Water
Access to clean and safe drinking water is a fundamental and vital need. In developing countries, 80% of all diseases are caused by contaminated water, and every hour, 200 children die due to drinking polluted water. Today, underground water resources, particularly in large, densely populated cities, face numerous challenges. The main waterborne diseases include contagious diseases such as cholera, typhoid, paratyphoid, bacillary dysentery, polio, hepatitis, and gastrointestinal E. coli infections.
Hippo Pack drinking water disinfectant tablets eliminate 99.9% of bacteria and microbes found in water, without altering its pH, taste, or odor. These tablets are available for disinfecting various amounts of water (1, 10, and 500 liters).
Household use
Use in underserved and emergency areas with no access to clean water
Water storage tanks in gardens, villas, and drinking water reservoirs
Locations with no access to clean drinking water, such as during travel, hiking, or mountaineering
Emergency situations like war and natural disasters, including earthquakes, floods, and droughts
Conforms to global standards and Iranian national standards (2842, 6986)
Ideal for immediate water disinfection
Harmless and non-toxic
Easy to use and portable
Shelf life of up to 3 years after production
After the tablet's effect time, no odor, taste, or residue will remain in the disinfected water
Instructions for Use
For 1 Liter of Water: Dissolve 1 tablet completely in 1 liter of water. After 30 minutes, the water is safe for drinking.
For 10 Liters of Water: Dissolve 1 tablet completely in 10 liters of water. After 30 minutes, the water is safe for drinking.
For 500 Liters of Water:
In clean water conditions, dissolve 2 tablets in 500 liters of water. After 30 minutes, the water is safe for drinking.
In semi-clean water conditions, dissolve 3 tablets in 500 liters of water. After 60 minutes, the water is safe for drinking.
:Contact us
Head Office: East Daneshvar St, North Shiraz St, Mollasadra St, Vanak Square, TEHRAN, IRAN
Research and Development: Tarbiat Modares University Science and Technology Park, TEHRAN, IRAN
Phone number
02188624487 / 02188623884
02188617766 / 02188617785