Hippo Pack Effervescent Disinfectant Tablets for Hospital and Healthcare Facility Use
Hospital environments and healthcare facilities are filled with various pathogens, microbes, and harmful bacteria. Medical equipment used in high-risk environments is exposed to infectious pathogens or direct contact with biological fluids such as patient urine and blood. These medical tools and equipment require strong sterilization and disinfection.
Hippo Pack Hospital Disinfectant Effervescent Tablets are formulated not only for disinfection but also to combat emerging pathogens. The ease of use is another important feature of these tablets, making them ideal for disinfection in medical and dental centers. These tablets play a significant role in creating a sanitary and low-risk environment.
These tablets are used to disinfect the following:
Operating room equipment and medical and dental tools
Clothing, bed linens, pillows, and staff gowns contaminated with blood, mucus, etc.
Laboratory containers and patient equipment
Surfaces contaminated with bodily fluids such as pus, blood, mucus, and urine
Conforms to Iranian national standards: 11793, 11797, 11798, 19851, 10504
Certified non-corrosive on medical and dental equipment
Does not create a toxic environment
Harmless and non-toxic if inhaled or in contact with skin
Easy to use, portable, and space-efficient for storage
Shelf life of up to 3 years after production
Instructions for Use
Application Areas
Surgical room equipment and medical and dental tools
Clothing, bed linens, pillows, and uniforms of staff contaminated with blood, mucus, etc.
Laboratory equipment and patient items
Surfaces contaminated with biological fluids such as pus, blood, mucus, urine
5 tablets in 1 liter of water
5 tablets in 1 liter of water
10 tablets in 4 liters of water
10 tablets in 1 liter of water
Method of Use
Dissolve 5 tablets in 1 liter of water. Immerse all equipment and tools in the disinfectant solution for 15 minutes, then use.
Dissolve 5 tablets in 1 liter of water. Place clothing and textiles in the disinfectant solution and remove them after 15 minutes.
Dissolve 10 tablets in 4 liters of water. Soak all items in the disinfectant solution for 24 hours, then use.
Dissolve 10 tablets in 1 liter of water. First, wash the contaminated areas, then disinfect with the prepared solution. Disinfection will be effective after 2 minutes.
Contact us
Head Office: East Daneshvar St, North Shiraz St, Mollasadra St, Vanak Square, TEHRAN, IRAN
Research and Development: Tarbiat Modares University Science and Technology Park, TEHRAN, IRAN
Phone number
02188624487 / 02188623884
02188617766 / 02188617785